Case Studies

Tri­way Local School Sys­tem ben­e­fits from Dereg­u­la­tion on AEPO­hio (Updat­ed Feb 2, 2025) Tri­way Local School Sys­tem, locat­ed in Woost­er, Ohio (Wayne Coun­ty) has worked with Triple “S” Ener­gy Man­age­ment since 2011 after pur­su­ing them about reduc­ing their over­all elec­tric cost with AEPO­hio. Tri­way has mul­ti­ple meters that con­tin­ue to incur sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fits from dereg­u­la­tion with AEPO­hio by work­ing with Triple “S” Ener­gy to accom­plish and cap­ture the best sav­ings to assist with the reduc­tion of their total cost of elec­tric­i­ty. Triple “S” Ener­gy has been able to save Tri­way Local School Sys­tem a total of $295,457.11 from Sept 2011 — Dec 2024 against the default rate on AEPO­hio, the local util­i­ty company.

Non-Prof­it Orga­ni­za­tion Ben­e­fits from Ener­gy Man­age­ment (Updat­ed Feb 2, 2025) The Cul­tur­al Cen­ter locat­ed in Can­ton, Ohio has part­nered with Triple “S” Ener­gy for many years to man­age their ener­gy needs includ­ing the suc­cess of the instal­la­tion of a 50.76KW Solar Sys­tem. This sys­tem was installed on the roof of the Cul­tur­al Cen­ter Park­ing Deck and will sup­ply a small per­cent­age of pow­er to the 330,000 sq. ft. build­ing. Since the sys­tem was installed in 2013, it has pro­duced 571,218.06 Kwh and has avoid­ed a large num­ber of CO2 emis­sions. The sys­tem has pro­vid­ed about 8% of the facil­i­ty usage.

Asphalt Com­pa­ny locat­ed in Can­ton, Ohio SAVES ON ELECTRIC COST (Updat­ed Feb 2, 2025) Triple S Ener­gy Man­age­ment has pro­vid­ed ener­gy sav­ing ser­vices to an Asphalt Com­pa­ny since the late 90’s and with the ser­vices of Triple “S’ Ener­gy Man­age­ment, the Asphalt Com­pa­ny was enrolled with a 3rd par­ty Sup­pli­er for nat­ur­al gas and elec­tric­i­ty. Since nat­ur­al gas and elec­tric dereg­u­la­tion began Triple “S” Ener­gy has worked extreme­ly hard to secure sig­nif­i­cant cost sav­ings. In solic­it­ing pro­pos­als, and sign­ing for Nat­ur­al Gas and Elec­tric­i­ty with 3rd par­ty sup­pli­ers, Triple “S” Ener­gy has saved the Asphalt Com­pa­ny $424,402.92 in nat­ur­al gas costs since 2009 against the Util­i­ty. Triple S Ener­gy has also saved $285,214.77 in elec­tric costs against the util­i­ty since 2019.

G&S Bar and Wire in Woost­er, Ohio saves on Elec­tric Dereg­u­la­tion and Renew­able Ener­gy (Updat­ed Feb 2, 2025) G&S Bar and Wire man­u­fac­ture most grades of tita­ni­um in the form of round and hex bars, fas­ten­er wire, spring wire and pre­ci­sion ground med­ical bars. Through the efforts of Triple “S” Ener­gy Man­age­ment, G&S Bar and Wire has enrolled the man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ty with a 3rd par­ty sup­pli­er for gen­er­a­tion and trans­mis­sion on AEP Ohio. G&S Bar and Wire has saved $461,011.38 from Octo­ber 2011 — Decem­ber, 2024.

Green ener­gy for G&S Bar and Wire intro­duced by Triple S Ener­gy Man­age­ment LLC
As part of our com­mit­ment to con­tin­u­ous improve­ment, and pro­vid­ing cost-effec­tive solu­tions for cus­tomers, they con­tin­ue to look for ways to improve the envi­ron­ment. In 2012, they invest­ed in solar pow­er to pro­vide an effec­tive source of ener­gy to pow­er the office space and, at the same time, reduce car­bon diox­ide emis­sions. The 276 solar pan­els on the cam­pus pow­er the office space with 81 megawatt-hours of elec­tric­i­ty each year. In addi­tion to cost sav­ings over tra­di­tion­al util­i­ty elec­tric­i­ty, solar pow­er also cre­ates a tremen­dous­ly pos­i­tive envi­ron­men­tal impact. Annu­al­ly, G & S Bar and Wire has pre­vent­ed the release of 57 met­ric tons of car­bon diox­ide emis­sions into the air — the equiv­a­lent of car­bon diox­ide emis­sions from 63,104 lbs of coal or the green­house gas emis­sions from 12 cars dri­ven for one year. They are proud of their ongo­ing solar ener­gy ini­tia­tive, a clean­er, more cost-effec­tive source that con­tributes to an over­all bet­ter envi­ron­ment, at work, in the com­mu­ni­ty, and across the world.

Triple S Energy Management LLC BBB Business Review


Additional Testimonials

“We have worked with Sandy for many years, She has man­aged our util­i­ties, pro­vid­ed insight to the mar­kets; year­ly cost sav­ings and pro­vid­ed data to sup­port utilities.”
Rick Wooldridge — Wayne Dal­ton, a divi­sion of Over­head Door Corporation

Sandy Car­pen­ter has con­sult­ed for me since 2011 and I can tes­ti­fy that she has deliv­ered sig­nif­i­cant util­i­ty sav­ings for the firms where I have been employed as a Facil­i­ty Man­ag­er. Sandy is the con­sum­mate pro­fes­sion­al and her knowl­edge of the util­i­ty indus­try is exten­sive. In short, she just saves you mon­ey on your util­i­ties and looks ahead for changes in the indus­try and plans accord­ing­ly for you; out­stand­ing cus­tomer ser­vice. In the ener­gy man­age­ment field, Sandy is the con­sum­mate expert: she has detailed knowl­edge of the util­i­ty indus­try and guides you to the most cost sav­ing com­pa­ny. Sandy will man­age your util­i­ty accounts with the utmost effi­cien­cy. High­ly Recommend!”
Rob Bar­rett, Facil­i­ty Man­ag­er, Arts in Stark

Sandy takes a “can do” atti­tude and orga­nized approach to her work. She approach­es her work with ener­gy, insight­ful­ness and integri­ty. She is a good lis­ten­er, relates well to oth­ers and exhibits excep­tion­al cus­tomer focus.”
Ter­ri Rabi­coff, MBA, Vice Pres­i­dent at TRJB, Inc.