Attic Fans-Do They Work?

Attic fans can be used to cool your liv­ing space any time it is cool­er out­side than inside your home.  Attic fans pull air in through an open win­dow or door while push­ing hot air out of your home through attic vents. Ven­ti­la­tion fans are designed to...

Insulation Will Give You Savings

Insu­la­tion comes in sev­er­al types and is used to slow the heat trans­fer through walls, attics, ducts or roofs.  Your goal for your home should be to lose less warm air in the win­ter months and less cool air in the sum­mer months. This will in turn reduce...

Energy Efficient Roofing

Ener­gy effi­cien­cy comes in all shapes and sizes.  We fre­quent­ly talk of how to be more effi­cient with our light­ing, heat­ing, cool­ing and even appli­ances.  We don’t often talk about the roof.  Being a home­own­er requires lots of choic­es to be...

Natural Gas Usage

If you don’t remem­ber from sci­ence class, there are sev­er­al types of gases. Helium Freon Water Vapor Hydrogen Hydro­gen Sulfide Propane Oxygen Ozone Nitrogen Nat­ur­al Gas Air Car­bon Dioxide Propane is heav­ier than air and nat­ur­al gas is lighter...

Windows: To Maintain or Replace?

The leaks around win­dows and doors in an aver­age home can be the cause of los­ing up to 30% of the homes heat­ing and cool­ing.   If your win­dows are in good con­di­tion you can take some steps to reduce the ener­gy loss but you may want to con­sid­er...

Light Up Your Life

Let’s shed some light on light­ing effi­cien­cy.  Basi­cal­ly, light bulbs come in three types.  They are halo­gen incan­des­cents, com­pact flu­o­res­cent lamps (CFLs) and light-emit­ting diodes (LEDs).  They each have their own pros and cons so let’s...