I would like to tell you about a program that will allow your company to receive incentive payments for reduced utility usage. It is called the Demand Response Program. Demand Response is a voluntary program available to consumers with medium to high electric usage. The nation’s electric transmission grid operators will pay companies quarterly premiums for their commitment to be able to temporarily reduce the amount of energy they consume if the grid ever needs their help. This commitment from companies helps to prevent brownouts or blackouts.
Let’s take a look at how the grid works. There are many facilities that generate electricity. The location of these facilities and their distance from the end users varies widely. Coal and nuclear plants have short-term flexibility in adjusting their electricity output. It takes them a long time to ramp up or down electricity output. Natural gas fired plants, on the other hand, can be ramped up very quickly, and are often used to meet peaks in demand. There is a constant amount of backup electricity to compensate for forecasting errors or unexpected power plant shutdowns. Grid operators constantly monitor demand, supply, and reserve margins to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Transmission lines carry high-voltage electricity over long distances and connect electricity generators with electricity consumers. These are the overhead power lines that you see.
Distribution wires pick up where transmission lines leave off. They start at the transformers and end at the homes and businesses.
On August 14, 2003 there was a historic blackout. An Ohio power company set off the blackout simply due to human error. the blackout spread across New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Michigan, and even parts of Canada. Offices were evacuated and thousands of people flooded hospitals suffering from the heat. Even though our grid has come a long way since then, many more opportunities exist for improvement.
A Wooster, Ohio company has been part of the Demand Response Program since 2011. This company has received a total of $349,550.00 for their participation to date.
You can read more about this program in the “Our Solutions” section of our website, www.triplesenergy.com.