by Sandy Carpenter | Apr 20, 2020 | blog, understanding
Do you receive calls from companies trying to sell you electric and/or natural gas at cheaper rates than what you are currently paying? Do you receive offers in the mail that offer the same thing? Let’s talk about the specifics of this and...
by Sandy Carpenter | Apr 16, 2020 | blog, energy
Renewable energy is energy that is replenished and does not deplete. One type of renewable energy is solar. Solar energy is when electricity is made from the sun’s energy. The sun releases photons which are particles representing a...
by Sandy Carpenter | Apr 13, 2020 | blog, Earn Money
I would like to tell you about a program that will allow your company to receive incentive payments for reduced utility usage. It is called the Demand Response Program. Demand Response is a voluntary program available to consumers with medium...
by Sandy Carpenter | Apr 9, 2020 | blog, saving money, understanding
Social distancing in these unsettled times is allowing us to get projects done or cleaning chores accomplished. Have any of you been sorting through all those papers that accumulate? Have you ever really looked at all of the information on your...
by Sandy Carpenter | Apr 2, 2020 | blog, saving money
Well, spring has sprung and we are all looking forward to warmer weather, sunshine and sweet summer time. Though it is wonderful to sleep with the windows open on a hot summer night and listen to the sounds of nature, it can also be very...